English Ver.

NEO 区块链挑战赛 — 深圳




  1. 可以使用各种方法获取指定高度时有NEO余额(不包含GAS)的地址及余额。
  2. 数据来源是NEO区块链主网,输入为区块高度,输出地址与对应余额的。csv文件。
  3. 获取的NEO地址不可以出现重复和遗漏。
  4. 使用最少时间者获胜。
  5. 使用开发语言不限。
  6. 最终解释权归NGD所有。

挑战赛地点 日期:


6月9日 09:30 ~ 6月10日 17:30




1001 注:输入为区块高度,区块高度从0开始,区块高度=区块数量-1


地址1,余额1 地址2,余额2 。。。 地址n,余额n


第一名 150GAS 第二名 100GAS 第三名 50GAS



NEO Blockchain Challenge - Shenzhen

We hope that NEO’s community can develop and cooperate together. NEO utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts. Using a distributed network, it aims to create a “Smart Economy”. We are organizing a global competition to promote the growth of the NEO community.

Free registration of challenge

Challenge Rules:

  1. Various methods can be used to obtain the addresses of the NEO accounts with NEO balance (excluding GAS) and the specific amounts of balance when a height is designated.
  2. The data source is from the NEO blockchain main network. The input is the block height, and the output are addresses and the corresponding balances (csv file).
  3. The obtained NEO addresses cannot be repeated or omitted.
  4. Win with the least amount of time.
  5. The programming language is not limited.
  6. The final interpretation right belongs to NGD.

Challenge venue and time:

3F, Fulizhen Building, No. 1, Kefa Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen *(near Gaoxinyuan Metro Station)

June 9th:09:30AM ~ June 10th: 17:30PM

Challenge theme:

Quickly query NEO’s addresses and balances

Input example:


Note: The input is the block height, the block height starts from 0, the block height is the number of blocks -1

Output example:

Address 1, balance 1

Address 2, balance 2


Address n, balance n

Challenge rewards:

First prize:150GAS, Second prize:100GAS, Third prize: 50GAS

Challenge Convenors and Judges:

Competition Results: